Thursday, April 28, 2011

All the Presidents Men (Summary)

     Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein are reporters seeking justice and truth. Unfortunately the charisma of Bernstein and the seriousness of Woodward give them no luck in this political disarray. After making an infinite amount of phone calls to attorneys, head of committee members, white house bookkeepers, and so on, the road to illumination seemed dim. Anything to confirm and grasp a sense of knowledge in this great financial ordeal was intended. After much elaborated research was recollected, all that was given to this pair of eager reporters were clues, hints, and suggestions. none was was cold hard facts hence, an untrustworthy issue was fabricated between bradlee and bob/carl.

     Bits and pieces start to make sense but they still cannot see the big picture. That is until, a mysterious character that goes by the name of "deepthroat" hints them about many situations and the people involved with it in the dark and secluded area of a parking lot. Within the information given by "deepthroat", it is known that the watergate case was just a cover-up for an even greater problem, which was the illegal fundraising business that Haldeman and a few other vile gentlemen ran secretly within the white house. Everybody was involved, from the C.I.A, to the F.B.I, to the Justice Department, they all knew about it and threatened others to not speak of it whatsoever. Shortly after, many of the men whom were involved in the unheard of shenanigans were imprisoned. Two years into Nixon's re-election, he himself resigns to the power of the presidency.

     One of the things I learned watching this fascinating and deeply intriguing film, is that ethics in a reporter is definitely an important factor. To publish something it must be true. To do that you must get the person interviewed to claim that he has been quoted or 'on record'. Also, if you want to let someone know something secretive always do it in print, such as the note in between the newspaper fold that was given to Woodward. Nonetheless, gathering information is a real hassle for a reporter whose putting hard news out there for the public. Since its a big deal and it puts peoples job at risk, very important people to be specific, sources must be rather exact and correct.

Friday, January 28, 2011


I get my mews from either t.v. or the internet. Mainly t.v. since i dont have internet access at home and i just read the news on yahoo or any homepage that so happens to pop up on the computer i use at the time. Personally, i dont really watch the news because they always talk about the same things and topics. Its so commercial and uninteresting at times. Even though it is important to watch the news because you need to know whats going on in the world and thats when i go and have a seat on the couch when my parents are watching it. Since we are mexicans, we watch the spanish news on univision everyday when my parents are home and when they are out of town it might be my sister watching it on univision or on channel 4 or 5. I sometimes see the difference between the spanish and the english news channels because of the different type of audience they have. I dont really see the difference in the english channels themselves. The big difference i see in news is that it can either be sent through a televised program, on print like a newspaper, through the radio, and nowadays through the internet.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


This morning i woke up listening to the radio. I listened it for several minutes switching stations every other song if i didn't like what was on at the time. During the time i had the radio on i heard many commercials that involved restaurants, cellular companies, tire shops, and even head shops advertising they're products.
After Breakfast i was heading to school on my bike and i saw a few billboard ads on the way, they're so annoying since its habit forming to turn around and look at them sometimes. Later, i was at the sac bookstore and heard the radio once more on the intercomm speakers. I also skimmed through a photography magazine briefly while in the line to pay. Uma Thurman was on the cover so it got my attention since i personally think she's a good actress but unfortunately i didnt get to see the article on her since the line was moving at a rather fast pace. However, i did see a few ads on there about photography, computer software, and some new "innovational" lenses that are made for better image and pixelation.